The Modena Foundation

The Modena Foundation  – Fondazione di Modena – is one among the 86 Italian bank foundations: these are private and independent non-profit organisations which were set up in the early 1990s after the reorganisation process resulting from the implementation of the Amato-Carli Act for the rationalisation and privatisation of Italian banks. The foundations that were established as a result of this reorganisation had the mission to carry on the philanthropic activities previously carried out by savings banks.

The Fondazione di Modena started its activities on August 1st, 1991, after a radical reorganisation process which saw Cassa di Risparmio di Modena and Banca del Monte di Bologna confer their banking activity on Carimonte Banca S.p.A, pursuant to the Amato-Carli Act. The merger of Credito Romagnolo with Carimonte Banca S.p.A led to the creation of Rolo Banca 1473, which later became part of the UniCredito Italiano group.

From 1993 onwards the Fondazione has been headquartered at 283, via Emilia centro, Modena, in the Palazzo Monteccucoli, a palace built in the second half of the XVIIIth century, in the heart of the town, on the remains of a church dedicated to Saint Biagio.

Governing Bodies

  • the Board of Advisors
  • the Board of Directors
  • the President
  • the Board of Auditors
  • the General Director


The foundation carries out activities in the following areas:

  1. Arts, cultural activities and heritage
  2. Scientific and technological research
  3. Activities of considerable social value

The Arts, cultural activities and heritage sector includes initiatives concerning:
a) the restoration of works of architectural and historical-artistic interest;
b) the support of musical activities promoted by local bodies and associations;
c) the support of theatrical activities;
d) the promotion of exhibitions organised by the foundation or in collaboration with other bodies;
e) the promotion of cultural events;
f) the publication of monographs and series on issues of historical and artistic interest;
g) the promotion of educational activities.

The Scientific and technological research sector includes initiatives concernining:
a) the purchase of equipment for diagnosing and preventing disease;
b) financing research projects of national standing;
c) providing fellowships to researchers of Modena university;
d) setting up Centres of Excellence co-funded by other bodies.

Please note that grants do not refer only to research in the field of hard sciences, but also in the juridical, economic and humanistic sectors.

The Activities of considerable social value envisage:
a) initiatives targeted at disadvantaged groups (elderly, juveniles and families suffering hardship, physically and mentally disabled);
b) the building of sheltered facilities, residential and social centres;
c) renovation of properties for social use;
d) awareness campaigns and educational projects for young people;
e) the purchase of motor vehicles for emergency services;
f) projects for enhancing sport as an educational and non-competitive practice.

Aims and grant-making criteria

Our sphere of action is mainly referred to the geographical area of the province of Modena. The general objectives are those of stimulating growth and welfare in the reference area. In contributing to improving the community’s conditions, we use criteria of publicity and transparency. We operate respecting the principle of subsidiarity “through direct and indirect, tangible and intangible support initiatives, favouring joint planning of initiatives and the setting up of intersectorial initiatives”. Our activity may be linked to that of other organisations having similar aims, including through participation in regional, national and international institutions and coordinating bodies. According to our current statute, we “cannot undertake credit activities; likewise any form of funding, payment or of direct or indirect grant to “for profit” bodies or enterprises of any kind is excluded”.